miércoles, 4 de noviembre de 2009

domingo, 24 de mayo de 2009

Learning needs practice

Check the links on the right, I have just added "Word builder".
Practice English at least 1 hr every day.
If you check the blog and would like to have new sites to practice please leave me a comment on this post.
Have a great vacation.

domingo, 12 de abril de 2009

Final Course Evaluation

It is time to look back and see how much we have learned this year
I hope you enjoyed the activities during this school course.
There will be two final activites:
One is sharing your work.
A. Please select 3 persons form the list of blogs ,watch the videoclips and leave a comment.
B. Form a comunity and become a follower of other's blogs. You can ask your friends from school to become your followers.
C. Answer a survey to help me become a better teacher telling what you liked, what you did not like,and in general your opinion about the activities.
Click Here to take survey

Third videoclip

Well we are almost in the finish line.
The last activity will be sharing a bedtime story.
Tell a story that you like, draw some pictures or act it out , record it in your cell phone and publish it in your blog.

martes, 24 de marzo de 2009

Topic for 2nd videoclip

Topic for the second videoclip

This first year of highschool has brought new experiences , but before we talk about what these have meant for you let´s reflect back on your Middle school years and share
what did you like the most?,
what did you enjoy about your school ?
who was your best teacher?
who were your best friends?.
Were your Middle school years fun and memorable ? why?
Did you participate in the school band? Were you part of the football team? Did you receive a special award?
Describe your Middle shool years in one minute videoclip. Post it in your blog.

jueves, 12 de marzo de 2009

Task: Videoclip "My favorite keepsake"

Dear students,
We are getting close to the end of our school year.
For the last part we are going to emphasize oral skills.
For each unit, you are going to create a small videoclip (less than 1 minute).

The first video clip is about:

"Your favorite keepsake"
It may be a picture, a gift or present that you have and that brings you special memories.
Tell us what it is, when you got it and what it means to you.

a.First, write a brief description. This will be your script.
b. Then practise it and record yourself using your cell phone. You are the star!!!!
c. Create a blog in blogger and publish your video recording .
d. Finally, send me your URL for your blog to my mail

These are some of my favorite pictures. Please leave me a comment.
My husband, my daughter and may son are in some of the pictures. Can you guess who they are?
Memories on PhotoPeach